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오디오용 sata케이블에 대한 해외 포럼 반응은 엄청나게 비판적이네요..
HIFI게시판 > 상세보기 | 2011-07-13 15:13:08
추천수 5
조회수   1,957


오디오용 sata케이블에 대한 해외 포럼 반응은 엄청나게 비판적이네요..


오승 [가입일자 : 2007-10-10]
Related Link: http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php


BigMac이란 아이디가 오디오전용sata케이블을 한국에서 개발하였다고 글올림

외국애들의 반응은?

- I would have to say I'm very skeptical about this

I don't believe this has the potential to increase sound quality--everything is still digital between the HDD and SATA controllers.

- It is impossible physics. I would not buy or invest. Yet the optimistic entrepreneur will probably make a lot of money and the skeptics will not. Gotta love our species.

- Because the audio will still sound the same. Why is that? Because of general error correction and the way in which material from a harddrive is being read (SSD or HDD: unimportant). If my information is correct a huge part of any file on the harddrive consists of error correction data (roughly 40%). Only 60% are the actual data you want to use. With these 40% you can correct almost anything, furthermore, if material is read and gets lost on the way before it´s processed it will simply be re-read. In fact, it will be re-read until you have a perfect copy inside your RAM of what is stored on the HDD. Even if the path from the HDD to the RAM/CPU/whatever is faulty. With a fancy cable like the one you talk about the reading process may be faster but the resulting data is exactly the same.

Jitter also doesn´t apply here. While PATA had high jitter (roughly 1000ps) SATA by design (it´s serial) has remarkably low jitter (100-150ps). Not that that counts because the signal will be reclocked on the receiving end of an PATA/SATA path anyway.

Why is it that so many people don´t understand how a computer works? Inside of this magical machine you´ll have several protocols that ensure that your machine works according to industry wide standards. This is not a CD player where something can happen that you aren´t aware of - this is a machine that can only function if there are no errors. And if there are errors the computer tries to get rid of them until it cannot do so anymore. When that last case happens then it´ll crash. But until that moment: a flawless (albeit possibly slower) running machine.

Have you ever considered that your PC wouldn´t run at all if what you´re saying would be true?

- So basically money shall be generated by selling fancy cables (that may or may not have an effect) to people who are uninformed about computer technology? Please forgive me for finding that a tad cynical. Also, while I admire a person with a non-technical background working on a completely technical project (because you can provide perspectives others won´t see) I do hope that other people in your team are persons educated/experienced in IT areas?

- I have a background in electrical engineering and also don't buy into the "theories" put forth by most "audiophiles" with all these special cables for many scientific reasons I won't get into right now. Placebo is a powerful thing. Even assuming there were possibly anything to be gained by this cable, wouldn't it be made pointless if you just check the "Play files from memory instead of disk" under the audio options....?

- If SATA cable can make 30% improvements of sound quality, then Fidelizer I made surely can make at least 100% as they're more critical to audio playback than one mere cable connecting to sata controller.

Joking aside, people should learn to try before passing down judgement though it's quite different to conclude between possibility and value of subject.

BigMac이란 신규회원이 본인이 한국에서 오디오용 sata케이블을 개발했는데 엄청난 음질의 향상을 가져왔다고 글을 올리자..

서양애들의 반응은 파코즈 못지 않은데요.

엄청나게 까네요...
추천스크랩소스보기 목록
mikegkim@dreamwiz.com 2011-07-13 15:33:45

걔들이 막귀에 뭘 몰라서 그렇지 않을까요 ㅋㅋㅋ<br />
오됴용 사타 케이블이라... ...

오승 2011-07-13 15:42:15

양놈들 반응이 파코즈 분들 반응과 거의 비슷하네요.. <br />
sata케이블은 하드에서 칩셋으로 데이터를 넘기면서 에러체크를 한다. 지터문제가 아니다.. 플라시보 같다.. <br />
조목조목 지적하는데요. <br />
케이블 제작 관련자로 보이는 BigMac 만 홀로 고군분투... 이유는 모르지만 나는 다르게 느꼈다.. <br />
해외시장 개척을 위해 글을 올린거 같은데.. <br />
어째 해외판매는 좀 힘들어보이네요. <br

nkyungji@dreamwiz.com 2011-07-13 15:43:39

사타케이블을 1만원에 팔았다면 논란은 없었을겁니다.

정기섭 2011-07-13 15:45:07

되는 소리를 해야죠...

오승 2011-07-13 15:45:53

비싸다 싸다..가격에 대한 논란은 없는거 같은데요?<br />
그냥 말이 안된다는 의견들이 주..

임석영 2011-07-13 15:49:17

BigMac이라는 분이 판매가격 자체를 안올렸군요. 판매가격이 알려진다면 논란은 더 심해질듯.

김승원 2011-07-13 15:49:23

솔직히 금은선 문제가 아니고..만약 실제 소리 차이가 난다면 전원부 분리형 디자인(?) 밖에 영향을 줄 것이 없다고 생각되는데.. 그러면 단가가 한 1/5 이하로(?) 내려갔을테고..<br />
그러면 뭐 욕은 먹어도 이렇게 안먹었을듯한데... 정작 메커니즘을 모르니 -ㅅ-a

장명일 2011-07-14 01:08:56

양키들은 태생이 논리적으로 따지기 때문에 감성 이렇게 접근하면 된통 당합니다.<br />
빅맥이라는 이름이 얼추 플웨즈 안티빅X하고 비슷한 이름이네요.

김덕봉 2011-07-14 15:16:56

BigMac 이분 플레이웨어즈 이번에 SATA 케이블 공제 추진한 운영진이죠<br />
<br />

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