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[퍼옴] 그라운드 험 제거하기
HIFI게시판 > 상세보기 | 2011-02-13 08:59:45
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조회수   981


[퍼옴] 그라운드 험 제거하기


홍순재 [가입일자 : 2002-07-12]
Related Link: http://www.psaudio.com/ps/how-to/finding-and-fixing-hum/

PS audio 사이트에서 가져온 그라운드 험을 찾아내고 해결하는 방법입니다.

이렇게 확실하게 자세하게 설명된 글을 보지 못했고 혼자 보기 아까운 거 같아 가져와 봅니다.

영문이라 보기가 어렵지만, 필요하신 분들은 검색 사이트의 자동번역을 이용하시면 될 거 같습니다.

Tracking down ground loop problems

The easiest way to figure out where ground loop problems lie is by the process of elimination. You need to determine where the hum or buzz is coming from within your system.

In an audio situation, the first suspect in our hunt would be the power amp or the receiver that is driving the loudspeaker. To see if the power amp or the receiver is the culprit, turn them off, disconnect its inputs and turn it back on again. Go back to the speaker and place your ear in close proximity to see if the hum is still there. If it is, then you have a problem with your power amp or receiver and you should seek help from its manufacturer.

1) If the hum/buzz goes away when you remove the inputs to the power amp, your next step will be to reconnect the amp and move further down the chain. If you were working with a receiver or an integrated amplifier, you will need to jump to step 4. If you have a preamp, or processor that is feeding the power amp, your next step would be to disconnect all inputs to the preamplifier or processor. Once these are disconnected, and the preamp or processor is connected only to the power amplifier, turn the system on and again, listen for hum. Should the hum now appear, it is a problem with your preamp or processor or their interaction with the power amp. Before returning the preamp or processor to the manufacturer, try a cheater plug to break a ground loop. Cheater plugs are simple devices that convert a three prong AC plug into a two prong AC plug and in the act of converting three prongs, to two prongs, they disconnect the ground from the wall socket. Try one of these on the preamp, or the power amp, or both.

2) If you determine that there is still no hum present when the preamp, processor or receiver is connected with no inputs, then selectively begin plugging in your various inputs one at a time. After each connection, check for hum until you discover the humming culprit.

3) VCR's, surround processors, and any device that is connected to a television cable or satellite dish can cause a loud buzz and should always be suspect. If, by the process of elimination described above, you determine it is a component like a VCR that is causing the hum/buzz to occur, and using a cheater plug or removing the ground pin on a PS xStream Power Cable doesn't help matters, it may be necessary to isolate the cable connection (CATV) with an isolation transformer. This inexpensive device is available at most Wal Mart, Radio Shack or department store type outlets and is sometimes called a 'matching transformer'.

If you have problems finding one, call your local cable TV company for advice. The matching transformer will be placed between the cable TV cord and the VCR, TV or processor.

Just remember, take the system down to its simplest level of connection. Find a way to hook the system up with as many pieces of the system missing or not connected. Keep it simple and get it to the point where the hum's gone. Then start adding back components one at a time until the hum returns.

Finding the problem is 9/10th of the work in finding a solution.
추천스크랩소스보기 목록
염경호 2011-02-13 10:02:01

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