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홈으로 와싸다닷컴 오디오 상세보기

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참고하세요. ^^
AV게시판 > 상세보기 | 2006-12-04 17:49:54
추천수 0
조회수   949


참고하세요. ^^


이정섭 [가입일자 : 2000-11-13]

카다스의 스피커 셋팅법입니다.

아래는 원문인데 도움이 되시면 보셔요.. ^^

by George Cardas

Very precise speaker placement can open up a whole new dimension in listening, so I will outline the system that is becoming the standard of the industry. This standardized listening room is a Golden Cuboid and is the model for the math used in this system. This method will work with any box speaker, in any reasonably sized rectangular room. You may find that you have already positioned your speakers this way by ear.

Active nodes are the main concern when placing speakers in a rectangular room. A node, or the frequency where speakers and parallel walls interact, is proportional to the speaker to the wall distance.

The three most importance nodes, in order of importance, are proportional to the distance between the speaker and:

1. The side wall nearest the speaker
2. The rear wall
3. The side wall across from the speaker
A secondary factor is the speaker-to-speaker time constant.

When you use this Golden Ratio method to set your room up, the speakers are placed so the three nodes progress or differ from one another in Golden Ratio. This eliminates any unison or near unison resonance in the nodes.

Panel or dipole speakers such as Apogees and Magnepans cancel their side waves, so a formula of .618 x the ceiling height can be used for determining placement from the rear wall. Most box speakers radiate low frequencies in all directions thus a formula that places the speaker to rear wall distance at 1.618 the side wall distance should be used.

Speaker placement, simply stated

The distance from the center of the woofer face to the side walls is:

Room Width times .276 (RW x .276)
The distance from the center of the woofer face to the wall behind the speaker is:

Room Width times .447 (RW x .447)
This is all you need to know to place speakers in a symmetrical, rectangular room!

Distance Percentage
Speaker to side wall: RW x .276
Speaker to rear wall: RW x .447
Speaker to opposite side wall: RW x .724
Speaker to speaker: RW x .447
추천스크랩소스보기 목록
이도훈 2006-12-04 18:55:03

리플 감사합니다^^ 참고 하겠습니다~

ysi1229@naver.com 2006-12-05 10:24:55

정섭님이 올려주신 세팅 방법이 맞기는 하지만<br />
스피커마다 세팅 방법이 다르다고 생각합니다.<br />
북셀프 스피커의 경우, 음장감이 뛰어난 스피커가 아니면<br />
2미터 이상 벌리지 마십시오. 소리가 좀 허전해지거든요.^^

이정섭 2006-12-05 12:56:05

그냥 참고만 하시라고 올려드렸습니다. <br />
위의 그림처럼 해보시고 여기에서 스피커 간격을 조금씩 늘이거나 줄여보시면서 좋은소리를 찾으시면<br />
될것 같습니다. ^^

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