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*** 조르다노 부루노 *** 화형 시키는 당신들이~~
자유게시판 > 상세보기 | 2016-02-17 09:51:02
추천수 13
조회수   752


*** 조르다노 부루노 *** 화형 시키는 당신들이~~


김재용 [가입일자 : 2000-05-20]

Spiritual energy field of Giordano Bruno(1548-1600).

He was an Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, mathematician, poet, and astrologer.[3]
He is celebrated for his cosmological theories, which went even further than the then novel Copernican model.

He proposed that
the stars were just distant suns surrounded by their own exoplanets and
raised the possibility that these planets could even foster... life of their own

(a philosophical position known as cosmic pluralism).

He also insisted that the universe is in fact infinite and
could have no celestial body at its "center".......

The Inquisition found him guilty, and in 1600
he was burned at the stake in Rome"s Campo de" Fiori. (from Wikipidia)

- energy field image extract from <Source Energy for healing and cleaning> (Korean book)

http://blog.naver.com/kali9/220615548628     부루노에 대한,  부연설명

화형선고를 받는 나보다

화형선고를 내리는

당신들의 두려움이..  더  클 것이요..


좌측 중간에 부루노가 보이고,

장미십자회   헤르메티즘  괴테도  보이네요..

아인슈타인  테슬라   칼융의 그림은..  시사종교 게시판에~~

일반인과   위 4 분을  비교하면,,  나름대로  주관적인 데이타 이지만,,
그 분들의 삶이  드러납니다..  어느 정도~~  ^^

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