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Ideology is the Root Cause of All Violence / No mind 무심
자유게시판 > 상세보기 | 2015-11-23 21:05:18
추천수 22
조회수   544


Ideology is the Root Cause of All Violence / No mind 무심


김재용 [가입일자 : 2000-05-20]


Ideology is the Root Cause of All Violence:

25 years after Osho ended his visit to planet Earth his insights are becoming even more relevant as more and more ...people gain some understanding that his approaches comes from a different perspective and understanding which he shares.

Osho has today his own columns and regular articles in newspapers and magazines publishing his works. The Times of India, the largest English language newspaper in the world published this week an editorial article by Osho on ideology in context with the current terrorist attacks and the world’s helpless attempts to understand what is happening.

While the world plays the blame game, the defense game and the attack game, Osho puts his finger in an open wound nobody wants to see. While the world always tries to fix problems on a superficial level, Osho with his clarity simply points to the roots. Enjoy and share!

Ideology of Religion~~~ muslim or christianis or buddhism

is .........................................

the Root Cause of All Violence:

추천스크랩소스보기 목록
김재용 2015-11-23 21:23:22

개인적 생각으론,,

뇌피질이,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 컴퓨터의 하드와 같은데,,

C 드라이브에,,,,,,,,,,,, 종교적 파일들을,,,,,,,,,,
뇌피질에,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 저장했다고 해서,,,,,,,, 진실이 아니라,,,

종교적 이데올로기는,,,,,,,,,
그냥 뇌피질에,,, 저장에 놓은 폴더로 보입니다...
그러나 도움이 될 수도 있는~~ 폴더를 삭제할 수도 있고 ^^

어린 아이에게,, 종교적 이데올로기를,,
강아지에게,,,,, 원숭이에게

강제로 뇌피질 주사하는 것은..... 위에서 말한 일종의 정신적 폭력으로 보입니다..

지두 크리슈나무르티가,,, 그런 심리적 메카니즘을,,, 철저히 분석해 놓았더군요 ^^

김재용 2015-11-23 21:27:09

불교의 무심은............... 일종의,,, 뇌세척 !!! 으로 보이며

컴으로 보면,,, 하드초기화 Blank 상태로 만드는 것 같습니다..

그런데,,,,,,, 또다시 무심이란 파일을,,, 뇌에 저장하더군요 ^^

김재용 2015-11-23 21:51:51

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