아시는분이 숙제로 전공책의 일부분을 번역해야하는데 저에게 살펴달라고 부탁해왔습니다. 안전공학인데 Work-As-Done 과 Work-As-Imagined 를 "실제일" 과 "가상일"로 번역을 했는데 제가 볼 때는 다르게 해석되어야 될 것 같은데 적절한 용어가 생각이 나지 않아 도움을 요청합니다. 원문은 아래와 같습니다.
When it comes to describing and understanding why things work and why actions succeed, everyone at the sharp end knows that it is only possible to work by continually adjusting what they do to the situation. (In the literature this is commonly described as 'Work-As-Done'.) But the same work looks quite different when seen from the blunt end. Here there is a tendency to emphasise work as it should be done (called 'Work-As-Imagined'), given some general assumptions about what working conditions look at what they do - or what they assume they should do.
The distinction can be found in French psychology of work from the 1950's, where the terms were tache(프랑스어인데 타이핑을 못하겠슴) (for task, or Work-As-Imagined) and activite(프랑스어) (for activity, or Work-As-Done) respectively
Work-As-Imagined tends to see the action in terms of the task alone and cannot see the way in which the process of carrying out the task is actually shaped by the constantly changing conditions of work and the world.
위의 문맥으로 봤을때 'Work-As-Done' 과 'Work-As-Imagined' 를 어떻게 해석해야 좋을지 도움을 부탁드립니다.
상쾌한 하루되십시요.