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조라님과 러시아 소행성
자유게시판 > 상세보기 | 2013-02-21 21:25:19
추천수 3
조회수   826


조라님과 러시아 소행성


김재용 [가입일자 : 2000-05-20]
Related Link: http://www.hollowearthnetwork.com/

I just spoke with Zorra a few minutes ago. He asked me to take a look at the video of the "meteorite" being "shot down" by a UFO. Yes, by now we have all seen it, including the unidentified flying object approaching from the rear and the resultant explosion of the "meteorite." I opened that video and said, "Oh yes, I have seen that, but I didn't see any reason for me to post it ... it is all over the Internet."

Zorra said, "It was MY ship that entered the tail of the ASTEROID. I entered the tail and came out the other side."

"Wow! It was YOUR ship??? How did you do it???"

"By morphing. I morphed us dimensionally right into the center of the asteroid ... then, expanded our force field which blew up the asteroid and you can see me coming out the other side."

"Zorra ... how big is your ship?"

"It is the length of the Titanic ... but much wider in circumference, of course."

"How did you get alerted to arrive so quickly?"

"We were in orbit. I saw it coming in on my monitor. It was sent to my monitor by Creator, and Creator told me to destroy it. And it was an asteroid, NOT a meteorite."

"Thank you, Zorra! Now I know why I didn't bother to post all this talk about a meteorite! As usual, we take pride in being the most informed network on the planet! -- And be ready on Saturday ... I am sure we will have a full call with our Hollow Earth Family. We will be eager to hear all about this from you, in your own words!"

추천스크랩소스보기 목록
김재용 2013-02-21 21:26:37

Zorra said, "It was MY ship that entered the tail of the ASTEROID. I entered the tail and came out the other side."<br />
<br />
<br />
조라님이, 우주선의 선장인 모양인 데,<br />
소행성의 꼬리 끝으로 들어가서, 머리로 나왔다고~~~

김재용 2013-02-21 21:29:47

<br />
<br />
본문을, 짧은 실력으로 보니,<br />
<br />
그리 짧은 시간에, 어떻게 알았냐고 물어보니,<br />
<br />
우주선에 타고있던 조라님의 모니터에, <br />
창조주가 파괴하라고 했다네요..<br />
<br />
그것 참 ^^<br />

김재용 2013-02-21 21:34:10

It was sent to my monitor by Creator, <br />
<br />
and Creator told me to destroy it.<br />
<br />
지구공동의 조라대사님이라.................... ??????????????<br />
<br />
영어되시는 분은 번역좀~~

김재용 2013-02-21 22:06:18

영상을 자세히 살펴보면 하늘에서 유성이 떨어지는 순간 유성 뒤쪽에서 매우 작은 물체가 빠른 속도로 유성을 쫓아와 부딪힌다. 이 작은 물체가 유성과 충돌하자 유성은 그대로 폭발했고 그 여파로 운석우가 쏟아졌다. 작은 물체는 유성과 충돌한 뒤 마치 유성을 통과해 지나간 듯 보였다.<br />
<br />
유성과 충돌한 작은 물체가 UFO인지 확인되지는 않았으나 일부 네티즌들은 이 물체가 유성보다 더 빠른 속도로 날아온 뒤 의도적으로 유성과 부딪

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