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워싱턴 포스트지 박근혜 압력 폭로 기사.
자유게시판 > 상세보기 | 2012-12-17 17:49:29
추천수 1
조회수   1,086


워싱턴 포스트지 박근혜 압력 폭로 기사.


인태선 [가입일자 : 2012-12-20]
Related Link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/s-koreas-presidential-contenders-have-near-opposite-backgrounds/2012/12/11/966f31a6-42ab-11e2-8c8f-fbebf7ccab4e_story.html

Park Geun-hye’s aides say they are sensitive about her connection to her father. They sent a memo to the news media this year asking that articles not refer to Park Chung-hee as a “dictator.” On the campaign trail, Park has apologized for some of her father’s actions, including his coup and crackdowns on student protesters.

그들은 박정희를 독재자로 언급하지 말아달라는 부탁을 뉴스 미디어에 메모로 전달했다.


추천스크랩소스보기 목록
고용일 2012-12-17 17:54:42

독재자를 독재자라 하지 못하고..<br />
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무슨 미국눔들이 홍길동도 아니고

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