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자유게시판 > 상세보기 | 2012-07-06 18:36:08
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외신기사 번역 조언 or 문의...


이태봉 [가입일자 : 2004-10-30]
Related Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/21/world/asia/park-geun-hye-an-unsoiled-leader-in-south-koreas-rowdy-democracy.html

위 링크의 지난 4월의 뉴욕타임스 기사입니다.


"In a Rowdy Democracy, a Dictator’s Daughter With an Unsoiled Aura" 입니다.

이것을 국내 언론이 전달 보도하면서 대부분

"소란스러운 민주주의에서 더럽혀지지 않은 (혹은 청결한) 기운을 가진 독재자의 딸"

이라고 번역을 해놓았는데,,... 아무리 봐도 부자연스럽고 맞지 않다 싶습니다.

제가 볼 때는 기사내용을 봐도 좋은 의미보다는

"정치판에서 얌체처럼 이리 저리 잘 피하면서 아무것도 하지 않고 이미지 관리만 잘했다" 이런 뉘앙스입니다.

일요시사가 유일하게

"성숙되지 못한 민주주의 국가에서 여전히 인기있는 독재자의 딸" 이라고 다르게 번역을 하고 있습니다.

"Since becoming a lawmaker more than a decade ago, she has tried to keep herself from being soiled by politics, including the occasional brawls in Parliament. But one result is that she is often seen as being aristocratic and aloof, an image reinforced when one of her former aides publicly complained of being forced to hold the hood of Ms. Park’s raincoat over her head."

이런 부분을 보면 일요시사가 원기사의 논지를 잘 살려서 일맥상통하게 잘 의역을 했다 싶습니다.

아래는 원문기사 전문입니다. (위 링크를 보셔도 됩니다)

In a Rowdy Democracy, a Dictator’s Daughter With an Unsoiled Aura

Published: April 20, 2012

WHEN Park Geun-hye, a small woman of regal bearing, stepped off the dais to shake hands after a campaign speech at an outdoor market here, some in the crowd, mostly older people, surged toward the center of the throng. To them, it seemed, Ms. Park was not so much the leader of a scandal-tainted conservative political party that was then lagging in the polls, but more like a movie celebrity, or even a religious figure.

“I touched her hand, I touched her hand!” shouted one man, Lee Kyung-su, 72, a retired engineer.

Later, in a calmer moment, he tried to explain why she elicited such strong emotions. “She lives alone, doesn’t have selfish desires and has no family to corrupt her,” he said. “She has given herself to her country.”

Even in South Korea’s feisty and competitive brand of democracy, which has produced its share of strong personalities and charismatic leaders, Ms. Park holds a special status. The strong-willed daughter of a slain dictator, an unmarried woman seeking power in a firmly patriarchal society, a critic of social inequality in a party beholden to big business, Ms. Park, 60, can often seem larger than life despite her small stature and quiet demeanor.

Now, after having succeeded in leading her revamped Saenuri Party, or New Frontier, the successor to the governing Grand National Party, to a surprisingly strong showing in parliamentary elections last week, she also stands a good chance of becoming the country’s next president. That would make her the first woman to be the democratically elected leader of a nation in this economically vibrant but male-dominated part of Asia.

“She is part Bismarck and part Evita,” said Ahn Byong-jin, author of “The Park Geun-hye Phenomenon.” “She wants to be like her father by being a strong leader who looks out for her people, but she also tries to be a woman who is sympathetic to the people’s problems.”

It is a remarkable rise, even if she had the advantage of being schooled in politics from an early age by one of South Korea’s most accomplished leaders: her father, Park Chung-hee, a general who ruled the country with an iron fist for 18 years but also laid the foundation for one of Asia’s great economic success stories. After Ms. Park’s mother was killed in 1974 during a botched assassination attempt on Mr. Park, he summoned his daughter, then 22, back from graduate school in France.

FOR the next five years she stood at his side, hosting world leaders and fulfilling the public duties of a first lady, until he was killed by his spy chief in 1979. Over those years, she said, she got her first lessons in politics from her father during conversations in the back seat of his limousine.

“My father’s biggest achievement was to motivate the South Korean people, to show them we could become prosperous if we worked hard,” she said in an interview last year. “He taught me to love my country, and serve my country.”

For Ms. Park, her father’s legacy is at once the source of her popularity but also a limiting factor, tying her down to older ways of thinking that she is trying to move past. Conservatives see in her their nostalgic hopes for regaining the sense of shared national purpose that flourished under her father, and for returning to a more innocent time, before money began to corrupt the political system.

To the left, though, she is tainted by her connection to one of the brutal military autocrats who imprisoned or killed political opponents before South Korea became a democracy in the late 1980s. Ms. Park has criticized the human rights abuses during her father’s regime, while emphasizing his record as a patriot who lifted his nation from the poverty that followed the Korean War.

Ms. Park has sought to play up her clean image by distancing herself from President Lee Myung-bak, the former head of a major construction company, who has been hurt by money-related scandals. Earlier this year, she led an emergency committee to revive her Grand National Party by renaming it Saenuri. She has also moved it to the left with a new platform of more robust welfare programs to appeal to voters fed up with the nation’s jobless recovery after the global financial crisis.

However, to hear her and many others here tell it, her main appeal is not her policies, but her character. Before the parliamentary elections last week, she impressed voters with her tireless campaigning, shaking hands until she had to wrap one wrist in a thick white bandage. After it was over, she said her track record of keeping promises had carried the day.

“I think the people’s trust that we will keep our promises no matter what is what led to this election result,” she said in an e-mail last Saturday.

Since becoming a lawmaker more than a decade ago, she has tried to keep herself from being soiled by politics, including the occasional brawls in Parliament. But one result is that she is often seen as being aristocratic and aloof, an image reinforced when one of her former aides publicly complained of being forced to hold the hood of Ms. Park’s raincoat over her head.

Ms. Park also says very little in public about one of the most pioneering aspects of her political career, her gender. Analysts say her ties to her father have helped her break through the glass ceiling in this still strongly Confucian society. Indeed, she enjoys an almost saintlike aura among some of her followers as a woman who gave everything for her nation, losing both her father and her mother, and then forwent marriage and children.

AS she spoke in Gongju on a recent morning, women who listened said her gender was one of her biggest appeals.

“I’d like to see for once how a woman would do as president,” said Lee Myung-shil, 37, a homemaker.

Ms. Park’s supporters on the street seemed to be split evenly between women and older men. The latter said they did not mind that she was a woman, but added bluntly that they supported her because of her father.

“He saved us from hunger and put clothes on our backs,” said Im Hong-su, 74, a retired bus driver.

But her father’s legacy has overshadowed her efforts to reach beyond her party, particularly to the younger voters who might hold the key to the next presidential election, in December. Younger voters have little interest in or knowledge of her father, instead wondering what she will do for them, analysts say.

“Younger voters wonder why they should vote for a dictator’s daughter,” said Park Tae-gyun, a professor of Korea studies at Seoul National University.

While Ms. Park has yet to declare her candidacy, she has tried to create a softer image for herself and her party, as more sympathetic to the plight of job-hungry younger Koreans. But this has not proved enough to prevent the biggest threat to her presidential ambitions: the sudden emergence of Ahn Cheol-soo, a doctor turned software entrepreneur whose outsider status has struck a chord among young voters disillusioned with existing political parties.

“She has until the election to show to young voters that she really cares about helping us,” said Ko Min-hwan, 32, who owns a flooring shop in Gongju. “Otherwise, we will just vote for Ahn.”

추천스크랩소스보기 목록
주명철 2012-07-06 18:52:16

"In a Rowdy Democracy, a Dictator’s Daughter With an Unsoiled Aura"<br />
--"독재자의 딸, 진흙탕의 싸움만 일삼는 민주주의 속에서도 티끌하나 묻히지 않은 분위기를 뿜어" 라는 뜻인데, 너무 길죠?

김용배 2012-07-06 18:57:09

소란스런 민주주의속에서, 깨끗한 이미지의 독재자의 딸.....정도 인듯....

이태봉 2012-07-06 19:00:21

L 핫! 제가 생각하는 바로 그 뜻이네요. 길긴 기네요 ^^... <br />
좀 함축적으로 줄이면 좋겠는데 어렵네요. ㅠㅠ

이태봉 2012-07-06 19:01:14

김용배님께서 그새.. "소란스런 민주주의속에서, 깨끗한 이미지의 독재자의 딸"... 좋은데요 ^^

서장원 2012-07-06 19:09:28

진흙탕 민주주의 속에서 깔끔만 떨어대는 독재자 딸년... ^^;

이태봉 2012-07-06 19:13:44

L 와~ 딱입니다요 딱!... ^^<br />

손명균 2012-07-06 19:19:48

Guys, do not bother to read the entire story as it contains nothing we could get something from...<br />
Just an insipid story.

이태봉 2012-07-06 19:21:48

L 번역 도움 요청드렸더니... 또 숙제를 ㅠ,.ㅠ

김용배 2012-07-06 19:26:07

공주같다, 이세상사람같지않다...이런 의미가 강해보이네요...<br />
<br />
진흙탕 민주주의에 공주같은 독재자의 딸.

손명균 2012-07-06 19:42:22

미국 기자라 그런지 우리가 그저 일상적으로 듣고보고하는 거 외엔 그렇다할 내용이 없구만요. <br />
NYT의 한국 기사는 주로 최상훈 기자(영어로 쓴 노근리 사건 보도로 퓰리처 상을 수상하러 미국땅을 처음 가봤다는 사람)가 많이 쓰는데 이 사람의 기사가 좀 정곡을 찌르고 무게가 있습니다.

이태봉 2012-07-06 19:54:17

진흙탕 민주주의 속에서 깔끔만 떨어대는 독재자 딸년... ^^; <br />
진흙탕 민주주의에 공주같은 독재자의 딸. <br />
<br />
이 둘이 딱이네요, 공식적인 글에 쓰기는 쫌 그렇지만.. ㅠ,.ㅠ<br />
<br />
주명철님, 김용배님, 서장원님, 손명균님... 고맙습니다. 큰 도움이 되었습니다.

ljc9661@yahoo.co.kr 2012-07-06 19:57:24

원문 자체가 에매한 표현을 한 것 같으네요.<br />

translator@hanafos.com 2012-07-06 20:01:30

어흐흐~~ 윗분들 번역해놓은 것 보니 버녁쟁이질 포기해야것다...

김용배 2012-07-06 20:12:59

보석님이 종결시켜 주실 거라고 기대하고 있었는데....^^;;

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