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트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
쥐박이가 국격 국격 하더니 정말 크게 한 건 했네요.
자유게시판 > 상세보기 | 2012-04-10 19:47:15
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쥐박이가 국격 국격 하더니 정말 크게 한 건 했네요.


황보석 [가입일자 : ]
쥐새끼들이 그러듯 국격을 시궁창으로 끌어들여서 말이지요.

쥐박이의 불법사찰 은폐 조작이 뉴욕 타임즈에서까지 대서특필되었으니

미국의 닉슨보다 더 큰 업적을 남기게 될 헌정사상 초유의 쾌거라고 해야 할까요?

여하튼, 우리 국격을 시궁창으로 꿀어들였건, 우리나라와 국민들의 얼굴에 똥칠을 했건

대한민국을 이렇게라도 세계만방에 널리 알렸으니 만세삼창은 불러주렵니다.

쥐박이 만세이~! 쥐박이 만쉐이~~!! 쥐박이 만쉐이~~~!!!

이 종자는 오래오래 살아야 합니다. 감방에서 비열함과 부도덕의 표본으로 썩으면서.

In South Korea Scandal, Echoes of Watergate

SEOUL, South Korea — An unfolding political scandal ahead of Wednesday’s parliamentary elections has many South Koreans drawing comparisons to Watergate: illicit surveillance, an attempted cover-up, destruction of evidence, arrests of people connected to the president — and questions over what the president himself may have known.

Recent disclosures have fueled a public furor, forced prosecutors to reopen a 2010 investigation and dominated the election season, with opposition leaders calling for President Lee Myung-bak’s apology and even resignation.

The case centers on an ethics team from the prime minister’s office that monitored public officials for possible corruption. In 2010, seven of the team’s members were convicted of having conducted illegal surveillance in 2008 of two private citizens — a businessman who had posted a video clip ridiculing Mr. Lee, and the wife of a legislator from the governing party — and of destroying computer files before prosecutors raided their office.

At the time, prosecutors failed to determine the scale of the ethics team’s operations or who told it to monitor the private citizens.

But on March 30, journalists at the Korean Broadcasting System, South Korea’s leading television network, posted online files retrieved from a team member’s memory stick. They represented some of the 2,691 files that prosecutors had submitted to the court in the case and revealed that the team kept reports on a broad range of people beyond the public servants it was mandated to watch, including politicians, journalists, civic groups and labor activists.

The files also showed that the ethics team carried out many missions under an “instruction” from the Blue House, the presidential office, the network said.

The ethics team did not shrink from comprehensive surveillance. It kept nearly minute-by-minute records of a senior government official’s extramarital affair, noting the facial expressions of the man (“entreating”) and the woman (“impudent”) during one evening tryst.

The ethics team members warned that the man the government had backed to lead the Korean Broadcasting System was “too sure of himself.” But they praised an acting president of YTN, an all-news cable channel, calling him “loyal to the government” and recommending that the government use its influence over the network’s major shareholders to help make him president. (He did go on to assume the post).

It was unclear how much of the information in the files was collected by illegal spying. Mr. Lee’s office pointed out that 80 percent of the files dated from the tenure of his predecessor, Roh Moo-hyun, whose supporters are now in the opposition.

“The Blue House is countering its critics by likening them to the pot calling the kettle black,” said Hahm Sung-deuk, an expert in political science at Korea University. “If the ruling camp doesn’t handle this properly, it could become a Korean Watergate. It’s not just what they did, but how they lied to cover up lies.”

Suspicion of the presidential office’s involvement in spying against citizens has intensified in recent months. In a series of interviews, a former ethics team member, Chang Jin-soo, said that the team had reported directly to the Blue House and that he and his colleagues had erased computer files during the 2010 investigation by order of Lee Young-ho, then the presidential secretary for labor affairs.

Last month, Mr. Chang released a recording of a telephone conversation he had in 2010 with another presidential aide, Choi Jong-seok, in which Mr. Choi pleaded with him to not divulge any sensitive details during his trial. “If you need money, I’ll find a way,” the aide said, adding, “It’s not just me but others who may go down as well.”

Lee Young-ho, who resigned 2010, then called a news conference and admitted ordering the destruction of the investigators’ files “to prevent a disruption of state affairs.” But he insisted that the affair went no higher, and that the president was not involved. He also admitted giving Mr. Chang about $17,700 as financial “help.” (Mr. Chang later returned the money when he started speaking publicly about the surveillance.)

Facing accusations of a whitewash in their 2010 investigation, the prosecutors reopened the case, arresting Lee Young-ho and Mr. Choi last week on charges of conspiring to destroy criminal evidence. They are also investigating an additional $44,200 that Mr. Chang said he received from another presidential aide.

Now, politicians and journalists are focusing on whether the ethics team and former presidential aides were overzealous or were following instructions from above.

“If anyone is found to be responsible as the result of this investigation, he will be held responsible no matter what his rank is,” President Lee’s spokesman, Choi Geum-rak, said March 31.

The scandal has given the opposition a new weapon to use against the president’s New Frontier Party, which was already facing a challenge in maintaining its National Assembly majority in the elections on Wednesday.

“The specter of the past military dictatorship is still haunting our country,” Han Myung-sook, the leader of the main opposition Democratic United Party, told a crowd of voters last week. “You are living in a country where the government snoops into your life, following you around and listening in anytime they want.”

Park Geun-hye, the head of the governing party and its expected candidate in the presidential election this year, has been keeping her distance from President Lee, saying that she, too, was a target of surveillance.

“It’s become clear that all governments have conducted illegal investigations,” she said at a campaign stop last week. “This is a vestige of the old politics.”

Every South Korean president has maintained a special task force whose official brief is to investigate accusations of misconduct by public servants and to vet political appointees, often enlisting help from the police, prosecutors and tax auditors. Over the years, presidents have been accused of using these teams against political enemies.

The main government spy agency and military intelligence unit have been found to have kept political dissidents under surveillance as late as 2003. In the last such case to have been made public, two former spy chiefs were arrested in 2005 and convicted of authorizing illegal wiretapping of government critics, politicians and other prominent figures between 1999 and 2003.

추천스크랩소스보기 목록
translator@hanafos.com 2012-04-10 19:50:00

제가 시간이 넉넉하면 원문대조 번역을 해서 올리겠는데, 지금은 그럴 시간이 없군요.<br />
그리 어렵지 않은 문장이라서 원문 기사의 듯을 파악하는 데 별 무리는 없을 것으로 여겨집니다만...

김도형 2012-04-10 19:55:37

한국 스캔들에서 워터 게이트의 메아리<br />
<br />
서울, 한국 - 수요일은 의회 선거의 앞에 펼쳐 정치적 스캔들에 많은 한국인들이 워터 게이트로 비교를 그리기있다 : 불법 감시, 은폐 시도, 증거의 파괴, 대통령에 연결된 사람의 체포 - 그리고 무엇 대통령 이상의 질문 자신은 알고 있습니다.<br />
<br />
최근 공개가 공공 푸로레를 자극했습니다 2,010 수사를 재개하기 위해 검사를 강요하고 심지어 대통령 이명박의 사

박대희 2012-04-10 19:58:30

......@.@ 우린 이미 모두 다 알고있는 사실들 이겠지요?<br />
<br />
가카는 조컷다 김어준 뉴욕타임스가 아닌 진짜 뉴욕타임스에 대서특필되서...

translator@hanafos.com 2012-04-10 20:01:50

가카는 조컷다 김어준 뉴욕타임스가 아닌 진짜 뉴욕타임스에 대서특필되서... <br />
<br />
푸하핫~!<br />
이 와중에도 웃음을 선사해주신 대희님께 How much thank you I don't know!!!^^

최경찬 2012-04-10 20:43:28

전 가카가 챙피합니다.

translator@hanafos.com 2012-04-10 21:12:58

저는 가카가 졸~라 쪽팔립니다. <br />
또 울 아씨마님도 원체 고상틱해서(순! 실화임!!) 험한 말은 입에 담을 줄 모르지만 <br />
가카에 대해서는 아~~~ 쪽팔려! 쪽팔려!! 쪽팔려~~~!!! 그러고요. <br />
<br />
울 고상틱한 아씨마님 고운 입까지 험하게 바꿔놓은 가카 새끼 나쁜 새끼!

김정선 2012-04-10 21:27:33

고문사 원츄

이욱동 2012-04-10 21:46:44

저러고도 아직 안내고 오고있는게....이번에 정권 자꾸고 바로 탁핵으로.....

김동수 2012-04-10 21:48:12

이명바기 신발색이 주옥같네요.<br />
하루에 열번씩 암송합니다.

박훈재 2012-04-10 21:52:06

한국에서 워터게이트 발발 ..<br />
<br />
<br />
미국이 각카 를 폐기 하는 절차에 들어갓군요..<br />
<br />
때가 되면 다 가는 거지요..^^

translator@hanafos.com 2012-04-10 22:11:45

여기 골치 안 아픈 글 하나 추가요~~~!!!<br />
<br />
우리나라의 현대사에서 최악의 비극은 미국의 앞잡이 노릇을 했던 사기꾼 양아치 이승만이 정권을 차지하려는 야욕으로 혈안이 되어 멸절당할 궁지에 몰려 있던 친일매국노들을 제 편으로 끌어들인 데서부터 시작됩니다. <br />
<br />
이승만에 빌붙은 친일매국노들은 민주라는 탈을 쓰고 지난날의 친일매국 행각을 덮어 가리기 위해 독립투사들과 민족주의자들, 친일매국노들을 없애

김태영 2012-04-10 22:48:54

아주 그냥 좌빨노무시키들은 이나라엔 기생충같은 종자들이라니깐 야보석이잡노아 니 좌빨 맞지<br />
학그냥 북으로 가라 좌빨아,

translator@hanafos.com 2012-04-10 22:51:04

ㄴ 느이 에미가 너 같은 걸 내지르고도 미역국 처먹었다디?

translator@hanafos.com 2012-04-10 22:51:32

김태영 <br />
<br />
2012-04-10<br />
22:48:54 <br />
<br />
아주 그냥 좌빨노무시키들은 이나라엔 기생충같은 종자들이라니깐 야보석이잡노아 니 좌빨 맞지 <br />
학그냥 북으로 가라 좌빨아, <br />

김성도 2012-04-10 23:19:03

김대중이,노무현때도 견디고 살았다.

김좌진 2012-04-10 23:20:26

것 참 김태희하고 한글자 차이인데.......

박태규 2012-04-11 00:04:00

김태영 일마, 병원서 봤는데, 그새 또 튀어 나왔군.아예 쇠사슬로 묶어놔야 하는데...

최성일 2012-04-11 10:54:39

보석님... 부모욕은 삼가... 부탁드립니다.<br />
그분도 "어머니"이고 자기자식이 저러고 다닐줄 알고 낳으셨겠습니까.<br />

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