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트위터로 보내기 미투데이로 보내기 요즘으로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
이상한 메일을 받았는데요...
자유게시판 > 상세보기 | 2010-11-06 09:19:37
추천수 0
조회수   657


이상한 메일을 받았는데요...


백인구 [가입일자 : 2002-08-12]
며칠전 이베이에서 물품을 하나 구입하긴 했는데 그거와 관련이 있는건지 도데체 뭔말인지 모르겠네요. 무슨 메일일까요.

Notification: Your Federal Tax Payment has been rejected.

The problem is that system doesn't process your company ID on holidays

and we movied your tax payment batch to awaiting list.

Status of your Tax Payment is Under Review.

To get more details about your company status and tax payment batch file, go to


Also forward information to your accountant adviser.


You are using an Official United States Government System, which may be used only for authorized purposes.

Unauthorized modification of any information stored on this system may result in criminal prosecution.

The Government may monitor and audit the usage of this system, and all persons are hereby notified that

the use of this system constitutes consent to such monitoring and auditing. Unauthorized attempts to

upload information and/or change information on this web site are strictly prohibited and are subject to

prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 and 1030.
추천스크랩소스보기 목록
김근형 2010-11-06 09:24:35

참.. 이건 미국인한테도 안먹히는 스팸인데 말이죠.. <br />
세금신고한게 잘못

김근형 2010-11-06 09:26:35

계속 짤리네요... 암튼 사기메일입니다. 무시하세요.

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