*Rhodium plated Furutech fuse*
Oversized toroidal transformer for solid and noise-free power
88,000uF of filtering with W4S low ESR "super-cap" (same as used in the STP-SE)
<이미지 출처 : http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/wyred9/1.html >
The 9018 ESS Sabre DAC remains the heart of the DAC-2 which is still widely regarded as the number one D-A converter in the industry. The ESS DAC was firstly selected for use in the DAC-2 for numerous reasons, one of which is the capability to process DSD signals which we are now proud to utilize. The I²S DSD format offers a jitter free solution to transmitting digital data from our cutting edge USB interface to the Sabre chip. Newly implemented technology and hardware now takes full advantage of this remarkable feature. Either DSD64 or DSD128 files can be flawlessly streamed in conjunction with standard PCM files. The DAC-2 DSDse instantly detects the native DSD data and routes the signal to the appropriate internal processors resulting in unparalleled sonic performance. It’s time to begin expanding your DSD music collection!
Another bonus of the special edition DAC-2 is the galvanically isolated I²S USB interface which guarantees zero opportunity for computer noise to interfere with the quality of the audio signal. Setup with your source via USB is simple because the DAC-2 DSDse is driverless for Linux, Mac OSX 10.6-10.8, and supports Integer mode protocol. Windows XP and newer will require a quick driver install to begin streaming your favorite tracks. You can now be confident that the ultimate USB streaming solution is built into your DAC which ensures a clean and simple setup!
In fashion with a true special edition W4S unit, we have upgraded key components throughout the entire audio circuit starting with the main fuse at the power inlet. The Furutech rhodium plated, ceramic fuse has proven to be an excellent complement to the upgraded power supply of the DAC-2 DSDse. Further filtering is addressed with low loss - ultra fast recovery Schottkey diodes and a series of premium grade inductors that assist to stabilize the current as it enters the power supply. Power is then filtered through a series of custom low ESR capacitors after which it is regulated by newly designed discrete regulators. Our proprietary regulator design is 100+ times quieter and faster than the stock regulator! The start of the analog signal receives strategic treatment with our custom made naked Vishay Z-Foil resistors in 20 locations. Putting numbers on it, the stock Dale resistors offer 1% tolerance and +/-100ppm/°C temperature coefficient where our new resistors are 0.1% and +/-0.5ppm/°C respectively. As you can imagine, considerable aural gains are noticed with the substantial improvement over the stock resistors.
Make no mistake; the DAC-2 DSDse will bring the very best out of your digital sources. It is a DAC that delivers ultimate performance, value, and versatility!
한 개에 15$짜리 고정밀 저항,
초 하이엔드 오디오에서나 볼 수 있는 VISHAY VAR-Series Z-Foil Audio Resistor (0.1% tolerance (a +/-0.5ppm/°C)입니다.
DAC2 DSDse는 순도 높은 아날로그 파형을 얻기 위해서 이 저항을 20개나 실장하고 있습니다. 20개의 저항값만 해도 보급형 DAC 가격과 맞먹는 괴물입니다.
DAC2 DSDse에 실장된 VISHAY VAR-Series Z-Foil Audio Resistor
(W4S의 Pre-amp STP-SE의 Special Upgrade 버전) 우왕, 이게 다 얼마야..⊙⊙
Break-in 타임을 거친 DAC2 DSDse는
풍부하면서 풀어지지 않는 저역의 긴장감, 섬세함과 부드러움으로 공간을 채우는 중고역에 더해 단정한 윤곽으로 마무리하는 완성도 높은 아날로그 질감의 소리를 들려줍니다.
델타시그마 방식의 최상위 솔루션인 ESS Technology SABRE ES9018 기반의 DAC 가운데 발군의 음질입니다.
오디오파일 각자가 추구하는 음색 취향에 따른 청감 영역에서의 선호도는 나뉘겠지만, 시리즈가 롱런하고 있는 분명 잘 만든 기기이고,
absolute sound와 6moon 등 미국 쪽의 호평이 수년째 이어지는 것에 수긍이 가는 아주 균형 잡힌 소리를 들려주는 음악적인 DAC입니다.
또 하나 대단한 것이 원구매자에게 5년(5 year warranty for the original purchaser)의 warranty를 제공합니다.
제조사의 상당한 자신감을 느낄 수 있는 대목입니다.
초고가의 하이엔드 DAC에 버금가는 우수한 성능의 실력기이면서 상대적으로 저렴한 가격도 DAC2 DSDse가 갖는 매력입니다.
DAC2 DSDse 영문 리뷰:
6moons (Srajan Ebaen)
Enjoy the Music (Rick LaFaver)
DAC-2 - The Absolute Sound
DAC-2 - home theater review
DAC-2 - Soundstage Hi-Fi
DAC-2 - Stereo Times
DAC-2 - 6moons
DAC-2 - Positive Feedback Online