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아우룸칸투스 Music Goddess II 3웨이 톨보이 스피커
AV갤러리 > 상세보기 | 2012-05-18 18:32:06
추천수 7
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아우룸칸투스 Music Goddess II 3웨이 톨보이 스피커


윤동현 [가입일자 : 2005-07-24]
아우룸칸투스 뮤직 가데스 II 3웨이 톨보이 스피커입니다 (음악의 여신?).

이 스피커에 대한 장터 소개글이 없는것 같아서 한번 올려 봅니다, 꾸~뻑.

개당 무게가 40kg 가까이 나가는 준대형급입니다만 그렇다고 아주 크지도 않습니다.

외관 디자인은 이정도면 괜찮구요, 어디둬도 대충 그럴싸 합니다.

만듬새는 제법 좋습니다, 아래 사양보면 부품도 실하구요.

<스피커 사양>

Model: AURUM CANTUS Music Goddess 2

Manufactured by: Aurum Cantus

MSRP : $2799.00


Design: 3 way, 3 unit, floor standing

Frequency Response: 35Hz-40kHz , 3db

Sensitivity: 87db/W/M

Nominal Impedance: 8 ohms

Power Handling: 50-200W

Tweeter: G2 Aluminum ribbon (L70 x W 8.5 xT 0.01mm),shielded magnet design

Midrange: AC-130MKⅡ 5.25 inches

Woofer: AC-200MKⅡ 8 inches

Crossover Frequency: 180Hz and 3500Hz

Crossover Attenuation Slope: bass -12db, mid-18db, tweeter-6db

Crossover Elements: Mundorf-Supreme capacitors (M-cap), zero electrolyze capacitors,

Sweden made Suprar connection wires, metal film resistors and porcelain resistors.

Connection way: Bi-wired, gold plated binding posts

Dimensions (HWD): 1,050mm x 255mm x 330mm

Net Weight: 80 lbs/each

Cabinet material: MDF

Finish: black + rosewood in multiple piano lacque

그동안 아우룸칸투스 M-103 2웨이 톨보이 스피커를 2년 넘게 들었습니다(제 기준으론

아주 장수ㅎㅎ). 그전에 장수했던 것은 KEF104-2 였는데, 이거 물려보고 바로 바꿨었죠.

마치 풀레인지를 듣는듯한 마음을 잡아끄는 호소력있는 소리, 부드러우면서도

그속에 숨어있는 충분한 배음,해상력, 스케일이 크진 않지만 30평 아파트 거실에서

듣기에 딱 알맞는 음상의 크기, 무대감과 포커싱, 적당히 만족할만한 저역..

그래서 더 이상 뭐가 필요할까해서 바꿈질 안하고 오래 들었습니다,

가격도 싸고ㅎㅎ (요즘 장터가 75만)

장터에 아우룸칸투스 뮤직 가데스 II 3웨이 톨보이 스피커가 싼 가격(100만원)에

떴길래 어렵사리 인수해왔습니다.

M-103의 장점을 그대로 가진 채 더 상급의 좋은 소리라면..하고 기대했지요.

그런데, 성향이 제법 다릅니다. 더 좋은 파워와 더 좋은 전원케이블, 스피커케이블..

을 붙여 달라고 생떼를 부리는 것 같습니다, 이쁜 것들은 얼굴 값 한다더니..

상당히 차이나는 스케일 감, 샤프한 해상력, 나 대형기요!!하고 시위를 하는것 같습니다(준대형기죠, 정확히는.)

선재 조합이 조금만 어긋나도 고역이 치고 올라오거나 저역이 부풀어 오르는데, 시스템의

조그마한 조율에도 아주 민감하게 그 차이를 드러내 놓습니다.

몇일동안 겨우겨우 있는 선재들(전부 실용선재..)로 그럭저럭 최적의 조합을 찾아서

발란스 맞춰놓았는데, M-103의 다소 두툼하고 풀레인지같은 뉘앙스는 온데 간데 없고

차원이 다른 압도적인 소리가 납니다.

1980년대 미인에서 2010년대 미인으로 바뀐거 같은..(결국 취향의 차이로 승부?ㅎㅎ)

아래 다른 사람들 리뷰 퍼 왔습니다.

즐음 하세요!!

Overall Rating: ***** (별 다셋개 만점)

Value Rating: ***** (별 다섯개 만점)

Submitted by daydayyea a AudioPhile from

Date Reviewed: June 16, 2006

Strengths: Everything...

Weaknesses: Requires biwire setup, even best single wire won't let all the potential out, perhaps you use about 20%.

Bottom Line:

Blows away most Class A speaker i had. Well, a pair of $10000+ Utopia might be better, but you can't ask for more for the sum of the money. Especially those with aftermarket name tag.

Overall Rating: ***** (별 다섯개 만점)

Value Rating: ***** (별 다섯개 만점)

Submitted by dave101010 a Audio Enthusiast from

Date Reviewed: December 6, 2005

Strengths: Truly beautiful sounding, amazing extension thru the tweeter. Heavy Bass and a sweet midrange. Construction is outstanding, wife will love the looks!

Weaknesses: Not a great heavy metal Primus, Ozzie,Metallica speaker. But still a good one, I would be careful regarding

brightness, and power! It is rated 50-200 watts, but sucks up the power more than the larger and similar 89db rating 100v2. 100 watts might not be enough! Smaller sweet spot due to ribbon tweeter.

Bottom Line:

Prior to this review, I was using a pair of Paradigm 100v2 speakers. As time has gone on, I have upgraded around my 100's for years. Everything I did made the 100's sound better, yet I felt something was missing...I feel that Paradigm's benefit greatly with NOS tubes, replacing the lean sound, with a full rich nice full bodied sound. I could not afford anything that was much of an upgrade, and in many cases, I could have spent a lot more for less product. When I saw the Aurum Cantus Music Goddess ll on e-bay I investigated a little. I found out the link between Levinson's Red Rose Music, and one of the Leisure series of speakers from Aurum Cantus.You can look that up yourself.... I decided to take a chance and buy this floorstander on E-Bay. I figured if they not as nice as the 100's I could re-sell them!

Well, 100+ hours later, I will be selling the 100v2's. It took 60 hours before I even liked them, but they have improved ever since....My main concern was Bass, they seem to play deeper than the Paradigm's(110 lb. each), but are lacking the mid-bass of the 100's, that is not always a bad thing, but it is a minus.The 100's have 4 drivers, the Music Goddessll(70- 80 lb. each) has a 8inch woofer ported to the rear, a 5.25 inch midrange driver, and a ribbon G2 tweeter. Past that, the Music Goddess is clearly superior in (in my case) every way. The Paradigm has a great midrange, and I feel the ribbon tweeter on the Goddess seems to make up for the ok midrange. In other words, it sounds great!!! The ribbon tweeter is fantastic sounding! If your system is bright, this could be a little too much however, as the ribbon tweeter picks up everything.....In my case, microphonic tubes announced themselves, and I had to change to different Siemens tubes... The fit and finish is fantastic, I have yet to see a photo that does this unit justice. I have the rosewood finish, and they put 29 hours of polishing into each speaker, and finish with piano paint. They look like very expensive speakers, and in my case the imaging and soundstage is fantastic. No boxy sound at all, but be careful!!This unit is at the top of the 3 tier pricing employed by our Chinese friends...And it has been re-fitted with new crossovers, and fine tuned. Buying direct from China , could leave you with a speaker that is made for people making 1000yr in their own country.A good value, but the modifications made in Canada make this an incredible value. I believe that the company doing the modifications is either coming out with a new model, or dumping them so people like me can review them....These speakers represent a truly amazing value for money. I thought the same of Paradigm when I bought my 100's 5 years ago. I had 9000 dollars on me, and I picked the Paradigm's because of their ability to do everything well, especially rock and roll.

Forte Model 6-amp-modified (re-biased) to a model 4-class A with 124,000caps-200 watts-8ohm Pre-amp Van Alstine Transcendence 7ECR-Valvo-12AT7-BAT VK-D5-Siemens-6 Siemens 6922-stock power cords-homemade interconnects-Q-10 DH Labs speaker cable-read less


추천스크랩소스보기 목록
이광윤 2012-05-19 00:39:39

아따 이쁘게 생긴 여신이네?<br />
유닛 배치가 내가 제일 좋아하는 스타이루 입니다.<br />
딱 버티는 힘이 있어 보입니다 그려<br />
슬슬 쓰다듬어 주면 잘 울 것 같습니다.<br />
일단, 보기는 횡재 하신 것 같습니다

김종철 2012-05-21 19:14:47


임준영 2012-06-14 15:51:20

오 이쁘네요..비싸보여요,,전 가난해서,,꿈도 못꿀듯,,,스피커 중고10만원짜리 골방에서 듣는대..ㅎ;

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