영문 번역 부탁요.. |
자유게시판 > 상세보기 |
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2010-01-22 06:29:02 |
제목 |
영문 번역 부탁요.. |
글쓴이 |
서원일 [가입일자 : 2012-12-05] |
너무나도 짧은 영어실력에 좌절합니다..
몇일전 끄적 끄적 메일을 보냈더니 답장이 오기는 했는데...어렵습니다..
죄송하구요..부탁좀 드릴께요..
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A staff member has replied to your question:
Hello, Thank you for contacting Steam Support. I have reset your account password and sent the new login information in a separate e-mail. Please login to the account using the new password. Note: The new password consists of all numbers. Once logged in, please change your password, your secret question, and validate your email address. This will ensure that you will be able to use the Steam account recovery tool in the future to save time if you need to reset your password. This process is outlined here: Title: Resetting an Account Password and Secret Question Link: http://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=7058-AFZC-7069 Your new Secret Question will be set to "What did customer service reset your password to?" The answer to the Secret Question is the new password that we have sent to you as mentioned above. If you do not receive the e-mail and you are running a Spam filter, check and make sure the e-mail is not being filtered as spam.
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