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(펌)BBC에서 한국국민들의 의견을 받고 있습니다. 꼭 참여하세요.
자유게시판 > 상세보기 | 2009-05-25 12:33:14
추천수 0
조회수   1,402


(펌)BBC에서 한국국민들의 의견을 받고 있습니다. 꼭 참여하세요.


김주희 [가입일자 : 2004-08-17]
Related Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8065101.stm

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S Korea stunned by Roh's suicide



한국 사람입니까?

고 노무현대통령님의 서거에 대한 반응(의견)은?

성함과 이멜, 전화번호(안적으셔도 됨), 의견 몇줄 보내는겁니다

각자 짧게나마 한문장씩만이라도 영작해서 보내면 좋을듯합니다

영작이 서투신 분은 완벽하진 않아도 의미전달은 되니

구글 번역기 이용하시면 좋을듯합니다


거기 달린 댓글 중에서 영작문 펍니다. 짜깁기해서 참고하실 분 많이 퍼가세요.

<나는 매우 매우 슬프다. 이명박과 검찰당국에 대해 심히 분노한다.> 이렇게 썼어요.

I'm very very sad. I'm in furious rage against Lee Myoung-Bak and the

procuratorial authorities.

It's a political murder. 정치적 살해다.

Mr Roh's death is caused by mental torture of Prosecution during half a year.

노대통령의 죽음은 반년에 걸친 검찰의 정신적 고문으로 인한 것이다.

Korean Prosecution has pressed closely and thoroughly him. They has attacked his relatives, friends and suppoters.

한국 검찰은 노대통령을 치밀하고 면밀하게 압박했다. 검찰은 친지와 친구, 후원자들을 공격했다.

He was mentioned several times that many people were crying because of him.

노 대통령은 많은 사람이 자기 때문에 울게 됐다고 여러 번 언급했다.

Korean Government is prohibited Roh's memorial gathering by thousands policemans. They have been afraid Roh and his civil power.

한국 정부는 추모 집회마저 수천 경찰로 막고 있다. 정부는 노무현과 그의 힘을 두려워해왔다..

I'm totally frustrated.... 완전히 절망스럽다..

Former President Roh was the only President who tried to keep the rule (principle) and he always want to serve Korean people.

전 노무현 대통령은 언제나 원리 원칙을 지키려 한 유일한 사람이었으며,

항상 국민을 섬기길 바란 사람이었다.

He was impeached and finaly politically murdered by the Lee administration and it should not be happened.

탄핵을 당했고, 결국 이명박 정부에 정치적 죽임까지 당했지만

결코 일어나서는 알되는 일이었다.

I am really really mourning for my president Roh's death.

진심으로 나의 대통령 노무현의 죽음을 애도한다.


Absolutely, gratefully sad. Roh is only one President who had loved and taken care of poor people, general public. If British Queen dies, the British people will be very sad. I can imagine. But South Korean are much much much more sad now. We can not even mourn him enough. It's like my father's death, who is killed by nation's judicial murder.

We're in the darkness. I'm so grieve. I'm froustraed this death, this historical death.


The news made my heart broken. big pain stired my sorrow. The sadness of all Korean people goes on till remember him.

People will judge MB goverment.Right now I hope I can have The right to pray his forever and peaceful sleep. but MB disturb remebrance seremony.


I cannot express the amount of grief i feel at the moment.

I have the korean flag out at home remembering our late president and I cannot get hold of anything.

My husband, at his former teacher's retirement ceremony, tells me to keep him updated with the news via text messaging as he does not have access to it.

I keep myself on the internet as I do not trust what they say in TV news anymore.

Our president has passed away.

I respect and love President Rho and I think of him as my only president.

I would like the world to know that there are many others here in Korea who has the same views and opinions as I do.


82쿡에 올라온 글이예요.

참고하시라고 퍼왔습니다.


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