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my shoelace broke
자유게시판 > 상세보기 | 2009-02-05 02:02:40
추천수 0
조회수   585


my shoelace broke


윤제호 [가입일자 : 2002-10-10]
갑자기 저도 궁금해져 물어 봤습니다. 콩글리시지만...

Me: how cay i say if i have my shoe string snaps...i want to say my shoestring 'status'.

Native Speaker: my shoelace broke

Me: oh...shoelace...

Native Speaker: yes, they're laces. thus, "lace up"

Me: what "lace up" means, anyway?

Native Speaker: for tying laces...although, that's usually used for stuff like boots/shoes for certain sportslike skating

Me: lace up = tying laces?

Native Speaker: yes. tying/pushing the laces through the holes

so, maybe if you go to a store to try on a shoe and it hasn't been laced yet

they will say something like "i'll lace it up"


장순영님께서 2009-02-04 21:15:49에 쓰신 내용입니다

: 억지스러운 표현말고...정말 Native스러운 표현 환영합니다....(-.-)ㅋ
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