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개정된 러시아 증시 여닫는 조건
자유게시판 > 상세보기 | 2008-10-16 00:04:21
추천수 0
조회수   561


개정된 러시아 증시 여닫는 조건


이선형 [가입일자 : 2002-03-15]
임의로 열고 닫는게 좀 부담스러웠는지 어제자로 증시의 개장 및 거래 중지

에 관한 조건이 올라왔습니다.

Procedure for suspending and resuming trading changed

In accordance with the instruction of Federal Financial Markets Service, trading on the RTS Stock Exchange shall be suspended for 1 hour in the following cases:

if the technical index goes up by more than 10% as compared to its closing value of the previous trading day;

if the technical index goes down by more than 5% as compared to its closing value of the previous trading day;

어제 종가보다 10% 더 오르거나 5% 더 내리면 1시간 거래 중지

Trading will be suspended until the end of the next trading day or until further notice from the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia in the following cases:

if the technical index goes up by more than 20% as compared to its closing value of the previous trading day;

if the technical index goes down by more than 10% as compared to its closing value of the previous trading day;

어제 종가보다 20% 더 오르거나 10% 더 내리면 담날이나 러시아 FFMS에서 이야기할때까지 장 문 닫음

이하 같은 내용입니다.

Also, in compliance with the FFMS’s instruction, trading shall be suspended for 1 hour if the current price for the securities included into Quotation Lists A1, A2 and B changes in the following way:

if the opening price or current average weighted price for the security goes up by more than 15% as compared to its last closing price;

if the opening price or current average weighted price for the security goes down by more than 10% as compared to its last closing price;

The trading shall be suspended until the end of the next trading day or until further notice from the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia if the current price for the securities included into the Quotation Lists A1, A2 and B changes in the following way:

if the opening price or current average weighted price for the security goes up by more than 25% as compared to its last closing price;

if the opening price or current average weighted price for the security goes down by more than 20% as compared to its last closing price;

PS : 러시아 -9.26%로 마감하였습니다. 쩝..어제 폭등한거 다 말아먹었네요.

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