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[와싸다지식인]영어 해석관련 부탁드립니다
자유게시판 > 상세보기 | 2008-08-18 20:29:03
추천수 0
조회수   575


[와싸다지식인]영어 해석관련 부탁드립니다


김성언 [가입일자 : 2004-05-13]
The new album, [Right Where I Belong (One On One Rec., '04)], is a great nostalgia trip to all of the 60s soul music lovers, which there must be many. With real live players on the background and Willie singing in his best O.V.Wright style and with Curtis Obeda's fourteen new but "genuine old school" melodies this is as much a must as Charles Walker was last year. "For recording we used Curt Obeda's living room, dining room, kitchen and part of his bedroom. That was for everything, for the track and the vocals. But we were never all there at the same time. We first did the rhythm track along with my scratch vocal tracks, and then I had to go back and redo my tracks."

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