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미국 이민간 후배가 다음까페에 올린글입니다.
자유게시판 > 상세보기 | 2008-05-05 20:41:12
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미국 이민간 후배가 다음까페에 올린글입니다.


손은효 [가입일자 : 2014-02-17]
아래 글은 저와 친구들 다음까페에 미국에 이민간 후배놈이 올린글 전문입니다.

이놈 미국 가서 뷰젼까페 운영하고 있습니다.

놈의 닉네임이 산타페(지가 살고 있는곳 지명입니다)

그냥 선.후배간 소식을 주고 받은 까페이므로 글의 내용이나 깊이는 크게 기대할

것이 못됩니다. ㅜㅜ


형 조오-ㅅ 된다 술 안주꺼리 줄었다. [1]

글번호: 148 글쓴이: 산타페 조회: 7 스크랩: 0 날짜: 2008.05.02


와 한국가서 좋아하는 사골 해장국 묵어야 되는 데

신문에 이상한 기사가 났네

미국에서는 짐승사료도 못쓰게 되있는 소고기가 한국으로 간단다.

한 one billion 딸라 어찌 쭘된단다

사료 원자재로도 미국에서 안쓰는 고기 1 billion 딸라 어찌면 무지 무지무지 많은양인데

FDA bans certain cattle parts from all animal feed

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. makers of pet food and all other animal feed will be prevented from using certain materials from cattle at the greatest risk for spreading mad cow disease under a rule that regulators finalized on Wednesday.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which oversees animal feed, said excluding high-risk materials from cattle 30 months of age or older from all animal feed will prevent any accidental cross-contamination between ruminant feed (intended for animals such as cattle) and non-ruminant feed or feed ingredients.

The new rule takes effect in April, 2009.

Contamination could occur during manufacture, transport or through the accidental misfeeding of non-ruminant feed to ruminant animals.

Canada and the United States banned the inclusion of protein from cows and other ruminant animals such as goats and sheep in cattle feed in 1997, following a mad cow outbreak in Britain.

The measure issued today finalizes a proposed rule opened for public comment in October 2005. It goes into effect on April 23, 2009.

The major U.S. safeguards against mad cow disease are the feed ban, a prohibition against slaughtering most "downer" cattle -- animals too sick to walk on their own -- for human food, and a requirement for meatpackers to remove from carcasses the brains, spinal cords and other parts most likely to contain the malformed proteins blamed for the disease.

Mad cow disease is a fatal, brain-wasting disease believed to be spread by contaminated feed. People can contract a human version of the disease, know as Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, or vCJD, which scientists believe can be spread by eating contaminated parts from an infected animal.

The United States has found three cases of mad cow disease, including the first one detected in December of 2003. Soon after, U.S. beef exports were virtually halted. U.S. official have been slowly working to resume beef shipments.

Last week, South Korea officially announced it would gradually open its market to U.S. beef imports as Washington intensifies safety standards.

Eventually, if all goes well, a full range of U.S. beef boneless and bone-in, from animals of any age, would be shipped to a market estimated to be worth up to $1 billion a year.

(Reporting by Christopher Doering; Editing by David Gregorio)

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