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펌글) 박의 위상
자유게시판 > 상세보기 | 2008-04-08 02:09:15
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펌글) 박의 위상


김팔만 [가입일자 : ]
Related Link: http://bbs.sports.media.daum.net/gaia/do/sports/bbs/group2/worldsoccer/read

전문가는 아니지만 상당히 공감하게 만드는 글이네요.

본글은 사이트 클릭해서 보시구요..

저번 As 로마전에 박지성 선수가 선발된 데 대한 맨유 팬들의 반응만을

일부 캡쳐해서 올려봅니다.


아래는 저번 As 로마전에 박지성 선수가 선발된 데 대한 맨유 팬들의 반응 입니다. 박지성 선수와 다른 선수와의 경쟁 관계를 살펴 볼 수 있는 팬들의 반응이라 유심이 읽어 보았던 글들 입니다. (그때 급히 번역한 그대로여서 번역이 매끄럽지 못한 점은 양해 바랍니다. AS로마 경기가 시작되기 전에 급하게 발췌해 번역해 둔 탓에 완성이 안된 그대로지만, 그래도 참고가 될 것같아 올립니다. 좀 죄송하지만 영어로 읽어 보시면 도움이 되실 것같아 완성도 안된 글을 올렸으니 양해해 주시길.....).

Primetime(Reserve Team Player)

탄탄해. 박이 출전한다니 흥미롭군.

IhabX7(Reserve Team Player)

Park! Its a good move.

박! 좋은 수야.

Kelvin(First Team Sub)

박이 긱스보다 먼저야?


Is this official? Good team if so

확인된 거야. 뭐 좋군.


parky? had a feeling he would play after giggs played against villa



Giggs can't be 100% fit otherwise there is no doubt that he will be starting.

긱스가 100%가 아니겠지. 그렇지 않으면 그가 선발이었을거야.


Bah, feel sorry for Tevez. But really happy for Carrick!

On another note, Hargreaves was supposedly bought for these games, suprised he's not playing.

테베즈 안됐군, 캐릭에게 정말 행복한 일이야.



No Hargreaves

하글이 없군.


A bit annoyed that Tevez is on the bench in another big game...

테베즈가 없는게 좀 걸리는군.,


Scholes, Anderson and Carrick. Nice.

스콜스 + 앤더슨 캐릭 굿,


Too bad Nani is not on the bench though, we don't have much attacking options on the bench, Giggs and Tevez are great though.

벤치에도 없는 나니에겐 안됐군. 공격 옵션이 너누 없군. 긱스, 테베즈.


Park ahead of Tevez ??!!!! Fucking Stupid.

Someone please explain....

테베즈보다 박이라고 ?!!!! 머저리. 누가 설명 좀...


Park ahead of giggs? and tevez. Interesting

긱스 테베즈보다 박이 먼저. 흥이롭군.


Solid lineup, good to see Carrick in the team.

탄탄한 선발. 캐릭을 뛰는 게 굿.


Anderson Carrick Scholes


앤더슨, 캐릭, 스콜스

REd FUn DevIl

Park for Tevez is as good as it looks.

We have an option if needed.

You talk like Park was fecking useless. watch the game and talk later.

테베즈 대신 박이라 굿



Good team, but no Tevez? Fuck sake! I feel sorry for the lad, what more does he have to do to start a European game?

굿팀. 테베즈는 없어? 젠장.

테베즈가 뭘 더해야 유럽 게임에 선발될 수 있는거지?


Surprised that Giggsy is on the bench but Park's starting but other than that great team

Should be easy

긱스가 벤치고 박이 선발 출장이란 점이 좀 놀랍지만 그 외엔 훌륭한 선발 팀이야.



fergie's thinking(not mine): tevez can only play one position....which is defunct with a sole striker.

퍼거슨 감독은 아마 테베즈가 한가지 포지션에서만 뛴느 선수로 생각하는 모양이야.

그런데 그렇게 순수한 스트라이커란 없거든.

(Shotgun raisin)

Big game for Anderson today. He's not looked confident recently and this formation plonks him in the most pivotal attacking role in the side. Considering that Ronaldo will probably be double marked, I reckon Tevez would be able to do more damage.

Oh well. It's Fergie away in Europe I guess.

오늘 앤더슨에겐 빅게임이지. 그는 최근에 자신감 있어 보이질 않았어.

로날도 아마 더블 마크되면 테베즈는 더 위협적일 거야.


Not sure how you draw that conclusion.

I like park playing though, great movement

그런 판단을 어떻게 했지는 모르겠지만, 나는 박이 뛰는 걸 더 좋아해.


Not playing Giggs could prove costly. I'll also surprised Park is playing, what with his lack of games this season. Let's just see how this pans out in the first half.

긱스가 뛰지 않은 대가를 치를지도 몰라.

이번 시즌에 많은 출전하지 못한 박이 선발되거 놀랐다.

그의 팬들이 전반전이 끝나면 어떨지 보자.


Fuck sake, start Tevez! Was easy to see this coming after the weekends subs and that.

And Hargreaves should be on instead of Anderson, he knows Europe far better.

젠장. 테베즈를 선발로!

안데르손보단 하그리브스가 뛰어야. 유럽 축구는 그가 더 잘 안다고.


Think it is a good team, that midfield will give us some real fluency. Would have liked to see Tevez from the start though, oh well, Fergie knows best

좋은 선발이다. 미들진은 정말 화려해. 테베즈가 선발되어야 한다고? 퍼기가 제일 잘 알겠지.

(R*v*N )

Park ahead of Giggs and Tevez It's 4-5-1 again, United away from home in Europe

긱스 테베즈보다 박이 선발. 다시 4-51-이군, 유럽 어웨이 경기라서.


United in europe without giggsy?

긱스 없는 유업 원정?


Originally Posted by Sam#1

Park ahead of Tevez ??!!!! Fucking Stupid.

Someone please explain....

Fucking think for yourself.

I think with 3 in midfield we need a player who can release the ball quicker on the counter hes also very clever.


3명의 미들에서

(Feed Me)

£17m... away in Europe... no Hargreaves.

Maybe SAF has realised what we all knew.

Park is a good selection. Need his workrate and energy in an away leg.

유럽 원정에서 1700만 파운드의 하그리브스가 없다니.

박의 좋은 선택이야. 원정 경기에선 그의 활동량과 에너지가 필요하다고.


I can't believe people are surprised Tevez isn't playing. He always gets dropped for the CL games.

테베즈가 선발이 아니라 놀라는 사람들이 있다니 믿지 못하겠군, 그는 챔피언스 리그에서 언제나 선발에서 탈락했어.

(BahamaRed )

No Hargreaves

히그리브스가 없군.


Originally Posted by Feed Me

£17m... away in Europe... no Hargreaves.

Maybe SAF has realised what we all knew.

Park is a good selection. Need his workrate and energy in an away leg.


정확히 맞는 말이지.


Originally Posted by Dippersripper

United in europe without giggsy?

That was my first reaction too. Giggs' experience is Europe is priceless in these sort of games.

내 마찬가지. 긱스의 경혐은 이런 경기에서 매우 소중하지.

(massey )

Nice lineup I had a feeling park might get the nod in this one,brings alot of workrate and with giggs and tevez on bench we have some impact to bring on second half if needed.

훌륭한 선발이다. 난 이번 경기에 박이 선발 될거라고 느꼈어. 그가 왕성한 할동량을 보여줄거야. 긱스와 테베즈가 벤치에 있으니 필요하다면 후반전에 불러들이면 돼.


Tevez on for Park if needed.

필요하면 박 대신 테베즈 교체.

(Kelvin )

Don't think Park had a chance of playing if Nani and Giggsy wasn't injured.

나니나 긱스가 부상이 아니라면 박이 선발 출전할 기회가 있다고 생각하지 않아.


Originally Posted by rednev

That was my first reaction too. Giggs' experience is Europe is priceless in these sort of games.

I agree he is like a coach on the pitch. There is no question (in my mind) that Ronaldo has grown leaps and bounds because of the mentorship of the welsh wizard.

I guess one could assume that if Nani were fit then giggs would have been the third choice

Maybe the end of an era? Or maybe the rebirth of the super sub ala OLE OLE OLE OLE

나니가 케 컨디션이면 긱스가 3번째 선택이라고 하는 것 같은데,

(Veron )

Great team excpet for maybe park,hope he proves me wrong.

박을 제외하고는 훌륭한 선발이다. 내가 틀렸기를.

(tyunited )

Maybe Giggs isn't fully fit.

아마도 긱스가 컨디션이 최고가 아닌듯.

(Ekeke )

I'd have taken Tevez pushed wide over Park... But hopefully he plays a blinder and proves me wrong.

Come on that Parkster.

(Nick 0208 Ldn )

And our Oxygen Tank let fly!

(Kelvin )

But if Teves had started, one of anderson, carrick and scholes would have to be dropped.

그러나, 테베즈가 뚜면 앤더슨, 캐기, 스콜스 중 한명은 빠져야

(rebelred )

If I were Tevez, I'd be well pissed off, particularly as it is Park playing who has hardly played this season. Relieved Scholes is playing though.

내가 테베즈라면 이번 시즌에 거의 못 뛰었던 박이 선발된데 화가 날 것같은데.

스콜스라면 좀 그렇지만.

(Wan )

Scholes or Anderson = defensive?

Hargreaves fans trying hard to justify him not starting.

스콜스 안데르손 조합이 수비적이러고?

하그리브스 팬들은 선발되지 못한 하그리브스를 정당활하겨고 난리군.

(Ekeke )

)Originally Posted by GusHiddink

tevez wide= murder

hope this helps

Like Solskjaer wide?)

Point is, when he's on the pitch he can always get into the box and score a goal. I'm not a huge Park fan and I'm not sure exactly how much he'll contribute today. After I've said this, it is now buuilt up for him to have a brilliant game and prove me wrong. I hope he does.

But for me, Tevez coming in off the flank would have been a better option. He could have rotated with Rooney.

핵심은 그는 경기장에서 언제나 박스 안으로 달려가 골을 넣을 수 있단 점이야.

나느 박의 광팬은 아니지만, 그가 얼마나 큰 공헌을 할지 확신할 수 없어.

내 입장에선, 테베즈 .............


그는 루니와 로테니션할 수 있겠지.

(Man-United )

Tevez will be fresh against Middlesbrough now. Premier League are most important, right?

이제 테베즈는 미들스브로와의 경기에 생생하게 나올거야. 프리미어 리그아 가장 중요하지 않그래?

(Raven_Blade )

I like the team actually. Giggs is probably a little short in terms of fitness so Park gets a start. He will work extremely hard and has got good vision. Ive got full confidence in the ability of all our players to perform. There is a good amount of passing ability and pace throughout the team.

I just hope that Anderson and Park down the left are able to finish if they get chances.

진짜 좋은 선발이야. 긱스는 아마 컨디션이 별로라서 박이 선발 기회를 얻었겠지.

박은 최고의 활동량을 가졌고 좋은 시야를 가지고 있어.

나는 우리의 모든 선수들의 능력을 확신해. 좋은 패스 능력과 경기 조절 능력.

(Ace )

Originally Posted by Ekeke

Like Solskjaer wide?

Point is, when he's on the pitch he can always get into the box and score a goal. I'm not a huge Park fan and I'm not sure exactly how much he'll contribute today. After I've said this, it is now buuilt up for him to have a brilliant game and prove me wrong. I hope he does.

But for me, Tevez coming in off the flank would have been a better option. He could have rotated with Rooney.

- I agree with you. I think Tevez and Park are similar players (both small and energetic in their running), however Tevez beats Park in pretty much every aspect. Tevez is faster, stronger, a better finisher, and in great form, and I think he would do a better job being on the pitch then Park, no matter what position he was stuck in.

동의해. 나는 테베즈와 박이 서로 닮았다고 생각해. 둘다 작고 달릴 땐 파워풀하지.

그런데 테베즈가 모든 면에서 박을 확실히 능가해. 테베즈가 더 빠르고,

더 강하고, 결정력이 더 좋고, 더 좋은 기술을 가졌지. 나는 테베즈가 경기장에서 더 낫다고 행각해. 어떤 포지션을 맡기든지 .

(Red Indian Chief Torn Rubber)

Originally Posted by IhabX7

Park! Its a good move.

Word. We need energy on the flanks away from home..

맞는말. 원정 경기에서 에너지 넘치는 측면 윙어가 필요해

(zain )

Park to score tonight...

you heard it here first folks

박이 오늘 골 넣을거야.

(Shotgun raisin )

Park will kill Roma singlehandedly. Then Rooney and Ronaldo will skull-fuck the corpse.

박이 한손으로 로마를 무찌를거야. 그 시체를 파먹지.

(Raven_Blade )

As long as Ronaldo and Park give good support to Rooney up front our attack should be fine. Please guys I would like us to up the tempo a little more against them. Sitting back and defending is not the best way to play against Roma. Keep all the pressure on them whenever possible.

로날도와 박이 전방 공격수 루니를 잘 지원하기만 하면 우리 공격은 괜찮을 거야.

(manufanatic )

Maybe i am brain dead but OLE in my recolection didnt keep beckham out of the side unless were talking during the whole spat with SAF.

Tevez has shown not to be the greatest finisher in the world. Great work ethic and superb interplay with rooney and ronaldo. What many fail to realize is they havent hit their prime yet.

If we can keep them at OT for 5 more years you will see records fall.


Originally Posted by Count Duckula

Yes, but Rooney can play that lone striker role. He may not enjoy it, or be at his best there, but he can do it. If our early season form taught us anything, it's that Tevez cannot play like that.

I agree, but that doesn't warrant Park being selected over Tevez.

Name an aspect of Park's game that is better then Tevez's.


Most important Champions league match so far and squad player Park is picked ahead of 30 million pound rated Tevez

On a serious note i feel we've played our best football when Tevez has partnered Rooney.

Why the fuck is Hargreaves not playing AGAIN? Weren't these the games he was bought for?

(Shotgun raisin )

We won't score more than one goal until and unless Tevez comes on.

테베즈가 없거나 테베즈가 나오기 전까지 우린 1골 이상 넣지 못할거야.

(Raven_Blade )

Calm down mate. Park is a winger. Sir Alex preferred that to a striker playing wide. You have to trust in his decision.

Hargreaves starts on the bench. I guess Sir Alex wants him to help defend a lead later on in the game if we get in front.

진정해. 박은 윙어야. 퍼거슨 경은 너희는 감독을 믿어야 해.

하그리브스는 서브지만, 내 생각에 퍼거슨은

(talking robot )

I think Park ahead of Tevez is a good decision for this match... In an away match in Europe, winning possession is important, and Park will be better than Tevez for that. I think we still have at least one goal in this team with Rooney, Ronaldo, and Scholes (who I expect to play a little further forward). If we attack Rome from the beginning, they could be deadly on the counter. If we still need a goal at the end, Tevez should come on with possibly Giggs. With those two on for 20 minutes or so against tired legs, I think we would have a wonderful chance of picking up a goal if we need one.

이번 경기에서 테베즈보다 박을 출전시킨 것은 좋은 결정이라고 생각해.

유럽에서 치르는 경기에선 볼 점유율 지배력이 중요해. 그 점에는 박이 테베즈보다 낫지.

(Shotgun raisin )

Originally Posted by talking robot

Keeping possession is more important. And Tevez does that better than anyone else in the squad.

Having said that, I'd take Park out wide before Tevez.

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