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JBL LSR6325P Near-Field Active Studio Monitor
AV갤러리 > 상세보기 | 2005-01-22 00:15:08
추천수 0
조회수   1,668


JBL LSR6325P Near-Field Active Studio Monitor


김민희 [가입일자 : ]
궁금하네요.. 가격은 380달러

Flexible positioning with astounding accuracy.

The biamplified LSR6325P is based on a 5.25" high-excursion low frequency transducer powered by a 100W RMS amplifier and a 1" damped titanium-composite high frequency transducer powered by a 50W RMS amplifier. Housed in a cast aluminum enclosure with the dark graphite finish of the LSR6300 line, the LSR6325P produces very flat frequency response +1.5dB/-2dB 20kHz--70Hz with bass extension --10dB @ 48Hz and peak SPL of 109dB at 1 meter.

It includes innovative technologies to overcome problems in the room and optimize response at the mix position. Due to irregular off-axis response, a speaker that measures "flat" on-axis in an anechoic chamber may not produce flat response at the mix position. JBL's Linear Spatial Reference technology ensures that the mid and high-frequency content that reaches the mix position is also smooth and accurate. This is accomplished by engineering into the system a ±30-degrees horizontal, and ±15-degrees vertical, radiated response. Using LSR technology, the mid and high-frequency response is flatter at the mix position, regardless of working distance.

To correct frequency response and overcome spectral shift when the system is mounted on a wall, in a corner, or on a work surface, a boundary compensation setting is included in LSR6325P.

When used in conjunction with the LSR6312SP Subwoofer and its integrated JBL RMC
추천스크랩소스보기 목록
김도훈 2005-01-22 04:08:35

약 3개월간 사용해 봤습니다. JBL이 유독 니어필드 모니터에 스튜디오들을 상대로 짭짤한 재미를 본적이 없어서, 미국 스피커지존의 자존심인지 커머셜한 배경이 깔린건지...미련을 못버리고 가끔씩 이런 모델을 내놓습니다. 일단 좋습니다. 이미 개발된 유닛에 네트웍구성만으로도 충분히 이사이즈의 좋은 스피커들을 생산할 능력이 있으니까요...하지만 엔지니어들이 요구하는 니드는 충족시켜주지 못하는 모니터 입니다.생산배경도 엠프없이 5채널에 엑티브 우퍼로

bella-3@hanmail.net 2005-01-22 08:35:02

아네 그렇군요 그러면 제네릭1029와 비교하자면 그다지 메리트가 부족한듯 하네요..^^

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