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럭스만 t-03
AV갤러리 > 상세보기 | 2004-09-21 21:22:40
추천수 3
조회수   2,135


럭스만 t-03


김수영 [가입일자 : 2001-02-17]
개인적으로 튜너 이놈저놈 써보면서 가장맘에 들었던건

럭스만 t-110 튜너입니다..저의 기준으로 삼고있죠..수신율이

그리 강력하지않지만 음색은 아주 맘에 들어서 입니다..

물론 뽀대도 한가락합니다만..

럭스만 튜너 t-530을 구하고있는데 그거 되게 안구해지는군요

이번에 기준을 새로 바꿀만한 튜너를 구했습니다..다만 돼지털이라

뽀대가 영 못받춰줍니다..

하지만 럭스만110 튜너의 음색과 아주 좋은 스테레오분리때문에

뽀대무시하고 그냥 듣기엔 좋을듯싶습니다..

튜너인포사이트에서 퍼왔습니다.

t-03 튜너는 t-117 의 인터네셔널버전이고 샴페인골드판넬입니다..

Luxman T-117 (1988, $600/orig $550, photo) - An extremely sensitive and moderately selective digital tuner, the T-117 has 4 gangs and 4 filters and should be easy to modify for sharper selectivity. Don Scott's review in Stereophile called it 뱋ne of the best sounding tuners ever,?comparable to his reference Sansui TU-9900. Our contributor Jerry says the T-117 밿s as clean as the Denon TU-767 and has sensitivity at least on par with the Yamaha T-85, but its sound is much richer than those two. I like its [sound] better than the Magnum Dynalab FT-101A or the tuner in the Magnum Dynalab 208 receiver. It is one hell of a good sounding tuner.?Another contributor says he prefers the sound of the T-117 to all other tuners he's owned, including the Mac MR 78, FT-101A and others. Our contributor Mark H. observes that the T-117 밾as an awful lot of buttons and tiny switches on the front AND back of it, which made me glad I had quit drinking 20 years ago.?One of the switches on the back panel enables the T-117 to tune in either 200 kHz or 25 kHz increments. Our panelist PZ reports: 밃ccording to the service manual that came with my unit, the T-117 has 4 versions. The L in 'T-117L' stands for longwave and it is sold in Germany. This is also called the SD model. Another model, EK, runs on the same European AC power and does not have LW. The Japanese JA model includes a TV tuner and runs on 100v AC. The UZ model is the US version of the EK model. In different markets, the T-117 is also known as the T-03 or T-03L. They came in either champagne gold or black finish.?The T-117 can sell for anywhere from $200-400 on eBay, with the low $300s being most common. See how one T-117 sounded compared to other top tuners on our Shootouts page. [JR][PZ]

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