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지금 첫쨰로보면 네임 dac나 헤겔 만큼 괜찮다는거같네요.
국내처럼 저음이 어쩌니 음폭이 어쩌니 이런글은없는거같고
여러가지 호평이군여 가격 20만원대 제품이 물론 유럽에선 70-80만원대인것
Lead Audio
I recently auditioned a couple of DACs from the inexpensive LEAD audio to the High End Naim.
The LEAD Audio is a very good DAC and for the money it gives you a punchy and involving sound that is very easy to listen to. It focuses on the main aspects of the music. It's definitely a more refined unit than the AMC Dac I also tried. In comparison the AMC is coarse and primitive and even though it had a valve output stage the sound was still a bit tiring.
Compared to the more expensive units like the benchmark 1 pre, Hegel and Naim DAC the little LEAD audio DAC misses the little details that ties the music together to give you the ultimate experience of the artists performance.
Of the expensive units the Naim DAC completely overshines the Benchmark and the Hegel. The Benchmark DAC is very hifi and not very involving as a matter of fact I got bored with it after 30 minutes. The Hegel is a party animal and a lot of fun. It has incredible drive and the timing is good too. Compared to the naim the Hegel can sound compressed especially when the music becomes complex. And ultimately it does strain your ears in the long run. The naim does it all. The hifi bits like space around instruments, holographic presentation in 3D space. All without sacrificing the flat-earth traits of superior timing and musical involvement. complex music is presented with ease and you get the sensation that there is no limit to how much it information is able to communicate at once. It just plays music.
If you're on a budget go for the LEAD audio it's very good value. And if you consider either the benchmark or the Hegel - save up some more and buy the naim - I will...
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